since 2014 : twelve years creating press archives on iPad

ZEENS : digital transformation of Presstalis

INFINITE: digital access to everything published since 1947

Mar. 10th, 2016 13:19 by Stéphane de LucaPermalink | TrackBack: — updated on Nov. 17th, 2018 22:07 exists for 8 years & 11 months ago

All the French press since 1947 at your fingertips!

Infinite… That’s the code name we gave to the brand new project we are about to publish on Apple iPad platform by June 2016.

The idea behind INFINITE is to give access to the Apple iPad users to everything the press have published in France since 1947, including daily and magazines!

This service exposes an all-you-can-eat subscription-based model, in two flavours: luxury and professionals. While the luxury subscription is open to everyone for a mere €19.90/month, the professional subscription is dedicated to journalist, publishers, archivist and other professionals acting in the press industry. The price is €29.90/month and includes specific tools.

More than 3500 journals and magazines and 2M journal issues at your fingertips

That leads to more than 2M journal issues and billions of articles.

Exploring space

It is important that such a product gives fun to the users. Therefore we created “The Wall” as the reference screen to access to this universe.

The Wall is capable of exposing more than 2M journal issues on a mere iPad screen, thanks to the innovative maps-like pyramidal tiling system, and to let user both scroll the time line and expand a specific point in time by pinching in.

Exploring time

The second main way to find useful content is to explore the time line: You can restrict the time line by adjusting the two thumbs ”from" and ”to”, then horizontally scroll the content.

The timeline exposes universal event at the top of the screen, such a for example Neil Armstrong walking on the Moon in 1969. But users are encouraged to add their own events, being personal or whatever they find it useful to better grasp the time. Those events can be shared to others whenever that makes sense.

Scaling the time is available through the pinch gesture: pinching in make it possible to better refine a point in time while pinching out make it possible to run though time in accelerated fashion.

For better focus on specific subjects, the users can add specific tags to filter results in realtime.

Explicit searching

The third main way to find useful content is the explicit searching bar. Like any search engine, you simply type in you request and results come in handy with the horizontal time line browsing.

That’s a partnership with Presstalis, the French press publishers and Apple.

ZEENS: Mobile-to-store and 50% discount

Mar. 10th, 2016 13:19 by Stéphane de LucaPermalink | TrackBack: — updated on Nov. 17th, 2018 22:06 exists for 8 years & 11 months ago - .

-50% discount at your press dealer!

M2S helps customers to get to the nearest newsstand where to find given magazines and goodies are in stock: that’s more than 3.5k journals and magazines in more than 24K stores!

It offers mobile-to-store functionalities and implements a dedicated social network.

I introduced a brand new business model for the traditional paper-backed press: -50% discount on press journals and magazines. The user gets in the store and scans its screen to immediately benefits from the discount!

Though the selection of magazines subject to the discount is decided by the publishers everyday, the user can also proposes his own selection by taping on the “propose -50%” call-to-action:

One can access to the 3.5k magazines through the embedded search engine or by exploring all the categories:

Paris City newsstand

Feb. 10th, 2017 13:19 by Stéphane de LucaPermalink | TrackBack: — updated on Nov. 17th, 2018 22:27 exists for 8 years & 3 weeks ago - .

Nouveaux kiosques de la Ville de Paris

The city of Paris decided to deploy brand new newsstand through the city in 2017. Those are a great overhaul of the existing XXth century style with q greater surface and new organization.

In addition, about 100 of them were equipped with a large touch screen where we run our ZEENS app.

Early version preview

Here is a monkey-test session for an early version of the app:

In-store purchase of press and ticket-show

This version is based on the Android version of ZEENS modified to take into account the landscape layout of the screen.

In addition to streamline the in-store purchase process, we added to the press magazines a large collection of ticket show that the customer can buy right in the store.

This project was a partnership between many companies:

ZEENS: for the overall softwares (client and server-side)
FNAC/FranceBillets: for the ticket API;
JCDecaux:: for its Android hardware;
• Mediakiosk: for the overall project supervision;
• City of Paris: for the project lead.

PDIF: Portail des diffuseurs de France

Feb. 10th, 2018 13:19 by Stéphane de LucaPermalink | TrackBack: — updated on Nov. 17th, 2018 23:02 exists for 7 years & 3 weeks ago - .

PDIF: Portail des diffuseurs de France

I designed a brand new industry standard online service that enable for journal delivery, restocking, and zillions of industrial rules.

To be described.