october 2006-april 2007: 17 months on consulting for mergers & acquisition


Jan. 8th, 2007 11:28 by Stéphane de LucaPermalink | TrackBack: https://stephanedeluca.com/trackback/826 — updated on Apr. 27th, 2019 23:13 exists for 18 years & a month ago - .

Since November 2006 — when I left In-Fusio/MobileScope — I am now a free-lance consultant and I provide audit, help and advisory to companies facing changes in their business and/or for the sake of mergers & acquisition operations.

I’ve been focusing on the wireless mobile industry, and especially on three different operations. Find below a short description of each missions.

As you may know, these operations are kept secret hence I won’t disclose any names nor real figures:

  1. North America and Europe preys research and profiling for the sake of M&A operations: I’ve been making an analysis of a list of 10 potential preys in the content at-large that make sense in term of business complementarity or the regional location with the acquisitor. For each company I wrote a description of their business, found the market share, analyzed the revenue and gross. Analyzed the technology background and described and analyzed their main assets. A conclusion give advise about their strengths, the relevance of its strategy and what assets will support its future value on the market and the description of the competition that may threaten them in the future.
  2. Audit and strategy relevance for the holding company: I’ve been making an audit of a game company in the field of the wireless gaming on mobile phone. The purpose of the mission was both to analyze how they currently address the market and how relevant would be their strategy for the short/middle term strategy. I have reviewed their product line, the cost structure and price position. Additionally, I have reviewed their staff composition and skills. My report pointed the fact that they’ve wrongly chosen to dramatically narrowed their market. My advise was to develop a range of titles that would enable them to target 100% of the market while almost keeping 100% of their original market.
  3. Propose a company for a LBO in the field of wireless services and content: I’ve been making an analysis of a 10+M$ LBO pre-project. Market analysis, revenue and cost structure, key strengths and weaknesses was extracted from their business.
    Technology in-depth description. Propositions were made about how to restructure the company and to improve the cash flow generation and increase the margin.

Stéphane de Luca