Angel Quest: PlayStation screenshots

July. 10th, 1997 02:33 by Stéphane de LucaPermalink | TrackBack: — updated on Apr. 5th, 2019 07:48 exists for 27 years & 8 months ago

Angel Quest was running on PlayStation on which I programmed the engine and the game in C and assembler.

All the characters were in 3D and animated through motion capture: I developped a compression tool that reduced the data stream (curve) that was moving each node of the skeleton.

The word was really huge: I had to stream all blocks silently from the CD-ROM drive as the heroes was moving: it was a big challenge due to bandwidth limitation.

A we can see in those early screen shosts the engine was running at 3O frame per sent on NTSC monitors: a big speed optimisation process had to take place!

Angel Quest on PlayStation
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PlayStation screenshot


An early preview of the game on PlayStation from 1997. #angelquest #playstation

Angel Quest on PlayStation
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PlayStation screenshot


An early preview of the game on PlayStation from 1997. #angelquest #playstation

Angel Quest on PlayStation
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PlayStation screenshot


An early preview of the game on PlayStation from 1997. #angelquest #playstation