Linux bash enigma: ls |wc
While working on an administrative shell script for our mobile location-based social networking service I came accross a weird issue. Let me explain what I want first.
I am analysing incoming ads hits on our service, data mining the apache log file. I wanted to use a simple script in bash.
The point is to display how I grep the file for answering a question, and then display the result of the grep.
But as I came accross an issue, I will generalize it with this very simple script:
c='ls |wc';
echo How many files in this folder:
echo "$c";
I was expecting the following results:
How many files in this folder:
ls |wc
21 37 535
Unfortunately, I've got the following:
How many files in this folder:
ls |wc
ls: |wc: No such file or directory
Turning on the debug mode I've got the following:
+echo How many files in this folder:
How many files in this folder:
+ c='ls |wc'
+ echo 'ls |wc'
ls |wc
++ ls '|wc'
ls: |wc: No such file or directory
It appears that bash add simple quotes where it finds blank spaces. How it comes?
Any idea how to fix this?