People and places close to you!

May 23rd, 2007 09:24 by Stéphane de LucaPermalink | TrackBack: — updated on Mar. 11th, 2008 00:46 exists for 17 years & 9 months ago

I've joined Mobiluck as CTO, the start-up that brings geolocalization features to social networking for mobile phones and other devices.

We've been hard at work to prepare the launch of our next wide-range localization service: Mobiluck Online.

With Mobiluck Online you can be localized in realtime (if you decide to) so that the service proposes you a list of people and places close to you: for example, you're in a walk in the street looking for a good indian restaurant in a city that you don't know.

You get to the "radar" tab and select "restaurant" category to get a list of these fine restaurants; for each you get how far you are and a short description. You can click on any of those places to get more details informations and a map of the area that you can zoom in.

Similarly, you can know how far your firends are from you, or look for a pure beauty close to you (filter on girls that have a photograph).

How about getting in touch with her as she's at 500m from you? No prob, click on the message icon next to her mini profile and enter in a chat session: "Hi, how are you?". Who knows, you'll probably get a chance to meet her for real.

All these features, and more, require a bunch of cutting edge technologies: we are localizing people and places both in a short-range (bluetooth technology) and wide-range detection area; all these technology are with patented. I will tell you more about our tech in a future post.

For the moment, prepare for the launch!