Nightmare Creatures 2 : Crowley's back!

June. 10th, 2000 02:23 by Stéphane de LucaPermalink | TrackBack: — updated on Nov. 12th, 2018 20:47 exists for 24 years & 8 months ago - .

NC2 is a video game developped from early 1998 to year 2000 with a team composed of experienced people, most of them coming from the previous opus team: Nightmare Creature 1.

NC2 is an action­/­beat’em up game designed and developped at Kalisto Entertainment in France for Universal / Konami and released on Sony PlayStation and Sega Dreamcast consoles.

The title is nicely sustained by Rob Zombie's action songs.

Featuring Adam Crownley, the Scientist who wants to take over the world. Will Wallace defeat the Great Bad finally?